In January 2020 the ESPR Board decided to establish a new Taskforce within the ESPR. The Cardiothoracic Taskforce will deal with the topics of thoracic, pulmonary and cardiac imaging.
The Cardiothoracic Taskforce aims:
- to organise a cardiothoracic session during the ESPR meeting (e.g. 3 lectures)
- to help the Education Committee to organise the Cardiothoracic European Course of Paediatric Radiology (ECPR)
- to maintain contact with other societies that also deal with imaging of the thorax, lungs and heart, such as:
- European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI)
- European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI)
- Society of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (SCMR)
- to formulate standards for lung/cardiac imaging in children
- to organise joint publications on standards in paediatric radiology if necessary
- to initiate joint European Multicenter Studies
Thoracic imaging group: Pierluigi Ciet (Rotterdam/NL) & Jovan Lovrenski (Novi Sad/RS)
Cardiovascular imaging group: Pablo Caro Dominguez (Seville/ES) and Aurelio Secinaro (Rome/IT)
Members of the Thoracic Imaging group
Franz-Wolfgang Hirsch, Leipzig/DE
Pierluigi Ciet, Rotterdam/NL
Hubert Ducou Le Pointe, Paris/FR
Sureyya Burcu Görkem, Kayseri/TR
Alistair Calder, London/UK
Jovan Lovrenski, Novi Sad/RS
Catherine Owens, London/UK
Nursun Özcan, Ankara/TR
Maria Raissaki, Heraklion/GR
Julia Geiger, Zurich/CH
Efthymia Alexopoulou, Athens/GR
Thomas Semple, London/UK
Chiara Sileo, Paris/FR
Domen Plut, Ljubljana/SL
Luis Riera Soler, Barcelona/ES
Kushaljit Sodhi, Chandigarh/IN
Spyros Prountzos, Athens/GR
Members of the Cardiovascular Imaging group
Aurelio Secinaro, Rome/IT
Pablo Caro Dominguez, Seville/ES
Andrew Taylor, London/UK
Daniel Gräfe, Leipzig/DE
Christian Kellenberger, Zurich/CH
Lucía Riaza-Martin, Barcelona/ES
Maria Navallas, Madrid/ES
Joost van Schuppen, Amsterdam/NL
Marek Kardos, Bratislava/SK
Thomas Semple, London/UK
Charlotte de Lange, Göteborg/SE
Rajesh Krishnamurthy, Columbus/US
Flavio Zuccarino, Barcelona/ES
Sercin Ozkok, Istanbul/TR
If you would like to become a member of the Cardiothoracic Taskforce, please send your CV to office@espr.org. Please specify which of the groups (Thoracic or Cardiovascular) you are interested in.
New members will be approved ONLY at the ESPR annual meeting.
- Kellenberger CJ, Lovrenski J, Semple T, Caro-Domínguez P. Neonatal cardiorespiratory imaging-a multimodality state-of-the-art review. Pediatr Radiol (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00247-022-05504-6
- Caro-Domínguez P, Secinaro A, Valverde I, Fouilloux V. Imaging and surgical management of congenital heart diseases. Pediatr Radiol (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00247-022-05536-y PMID: 36334120.
- Raissaki, M., Shelmerdine, S.C., Damasio, M.B. et al. Management strategies for children with COVID-19: ESPR practical recommendations. Pediatr Radiol (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00247-020-04749-3
- Shelmerdine, S.C., Lovrenski, J., Caro-Domínguez, P. et al. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in children: a systematic review of imaging findings. Pediatr Radiol (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00247-020-04726-w
- Caro-Dominguez, P., Shelmerdine, S.C., Toso, S. et al. Thoracic imaging of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in children: a series of 91 cases. Pediatr Radiol (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00247-020-04747-5
- Imaging findings of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children associated with COVID-19. Caro-Domínguez P, Navallas M, Riaza-Martin L, Ghadimi Mahani M, Ugas Charcape CF, Valverde I, D’Arco F, Toso S, Shelmerdine SC, van Schuppen J, Secinaro A, Gräfe D, Camacho M, Neth O, Goo HW, Kellenberger CJ.; Pediatr Radiol. 2021 Aug;51(9):1608-1620. doi: 10.1007/s00247-021-05065-0. Epub 2021 Apr 27. PMID: 33904952
- Radiation safety for cardiovascular computed tomography imaging in paediatric cardiology: a joint expert consensus document of the EACVI, ESCR, AEPC, and ESPR. Francone M, Gimelli A, Budde RPJ, Caro-Dominguez P, Einstein AJ, Gutberlet M, Maurovich-Horvat P, Miller O, Nagy E, Natale L, Peebles C, Petersen SE, Semple T, Valverde I, Voges I, Secinaro A, Di Salvo G., Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2022 Mar 9:jeac048. doi: 10.1093/ehjci/jeac048. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35262687