The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Taskforce was established at the IPR congress 2021, Rome/IT.
This taskforce was created by popular demand from feedback via an international survey of paediatric radiology healthcare professionals.

Our aims and values are reflected by the important themes voted for by our members.

These aims include:

  1. Offer educational content relevant for paediatric radiologists
  2. Brainstorm ideas for future AI projects useful to paediatric radiologists
  3. Collaborate on AI studies/anonymised datasets/labelling
  4. Maintain contact and collaboration with other societies that also deal with artificial intelligence in (paediatric) radiology such as:
  • ESR – European Society of Radiology
  • EUSoMII – European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics
  • SIIM – Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine
  • SPR – Society of Paediatric Radiology

Susan Shelmerdine, London/UK

Lene Bjerke Laborie, Bergen/NO
Jaishree Naidoo, Johannesburg/SA, Surrey/UK
Jeevesh Kapur, Singapore/SG
Mai-Lan Ho, Ohio/USA
Erika Pace, London/UK
Christine Eade, Cornwall/UK
Riwa Meshaka, London/UK
Owen Arthurs, London/UK
Lauren Ramsay, Frimley/UK
Mysara Rumman, Bethlehem/IL
Tom Semple, London/UK
Pierluigi Ciet, Rotterdam/NL
Dhananjaya Kotebagilu Narayana Vamyanmane, Karnataka/IN
Thierry Huisman, Texas/US
Matthias Wagner, Toronto/CA
Sebastian Tschauner, Graz/AT
Nasreen Mahomed, Johannesburg/ZA
Seema Toso, Zurich/CH
Kshitij Mankad, London/UK
Brendan Kelly, Dublin/IE
Rick van Rijn, Amsterdam/NL
Kushaljit Singh Sodhi, Chandigarh/IN
Saira Haque, London/UK
Maria Beatrice Damasio, Genoa/IT
Daniel Graefe, Leipzig/DE
Megan Barrett, Boston/USA
Elaine Kan, Hong Kong/HK
Diana Veiga-Canuto, Valencia/ES
Tugba Akinci D’Antonoli, Basel/CH
Sercin Ozkok, Istanbul/TR
Ali Fuat Tekin, Istanbul/TR

If you would like to become a member of the Artificial Intelligence Taskforce, please send your CV to

Shelmerdine SC, Rosendahl K, Arthurs OJ. Artificial Intelligence in paediatric radiology: international survey of healthcare professionals’ opinions. Pediatr Radiol. 2022 Jan; 52(1):30-41.