The European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR) research is governed by the ESPR Research Committee, aiming at initiating, driving forward and fostering excellence in paediatric imaging.

The ESPR Research Committee aims to:

  • initiate, drive forward and foster excellence in paediatric imaging, paediatric image-guided intervention and radiation protection research, by facilitating the progression away from individual, local isolated projects and towards more evidence-based standards, protocols and multi-institutional collaborations, which can be used on both a national and international basis
  • represent the research interests of the ESPR at other fora such as EIBIR, ESR, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and joint ventures such as those conducted with industry.

The terms of appointment, roles and responsibilities of head of research committee are stated in the ESPR internal regulations.

The ESPR currently hosts “Task Forces”, representing temporary groups of people formed to carry out a specific mission or project, or to solve a problem that requires a multi-disciplinary approach such as for example establishing guidelines.
Each Task Force is run by a chair/committee and composed of ESPR members. It meets at least once a year, during the ESPR Annual Meeting, and more often when possible. The results of the groups’ different ventures are published in the ESPR’s official journal, “Pediatric Radiology” and other relevant publications, and posted on the ESPR’s website

Research underpins the goals of each task force, and is an overarching priority for the ESPR. The Society has established a separate group to enhance ESPR research alone: “the European Excellence Network on Paediatric Radiology” (EENPR)

Moreover, in a continued drive to place research at the heart of its endeavours, the ESPR became a shareholder of EIBIR (European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research) in 2011. During 2013/14 a new paediatric imaging working group including around 25 members was established.

Chairperson and members

Chairperson 2024-2027
Rutger Jan Nievelstein, Utrecht/NL

Owen Arthurs, London/UK
Maria Argyropoulou, Ioannina/GR
Karen Rosendahl, Tromsø/NO
Susan Shelmerdine, London/UK
Claudio Granata, Rome/IT
Rick van Rijn, Amsterdam/NL
Greg Chambers, Leeds/UK
María Navallas, Madrid/ES
Aurelie D‘Hondt, Brussels/BE
Pierluigi Ciet, Rotterdam/NL
Selma Sirin, Zurich/CH
Volodia Dangouloff-Ros, Paris/FR
Polina Pavicevic, Belgrade/RS
Vasileios Xydis, Ioannina/GR
Irmhild Altmann-Schneider, Winkel/CH
Willemijn M. Klein, Nijmegen/NL
Ione Limantoro, Leuven/BE
Ola Kvist, New York/US
Savvas Andronikou, Cyprus/CY

Recent Publications

Publications endorsed by the ESPR


  • Recommendations for Taskforce papers – LINK
  • EuroSafe Imaging Paediatric Working Group: My child will have a CT scan! A guide for parents – LINK
  • EIBIR Strategic Research Agenda – LINK


  • Guidelines on Neuroradiological Examinations in Children with Achondroplasia: a European Society of Pediatric Radiology (ESPR) consensus statement – LINK
  • European survey on the use of patient contact shielding during radiological examinations – LINK
  • Update on imaging recommendations in paediatric uroradiology: the ESPR workgroup session on voiding cystourethrography


  • Guidelines for magnetic resonance imaging in pediatric head and neck pathologies: a multicentre international consensus paper – LINK
  • Diagnostic image quality of gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MRI with and without fat saturation in children with retinoblastoma – LINK
  • Ultrasound techniques, measurements and reference values for joint ultrasound in children: a European Society of Paediatric Radiology consensus guideline – LINK
  • Current funding streams for paediatric post-mortem imaging: a European Society of Paediatric Radiology survey
Research Committee Publications
Education Committee Publications
  • Magnetic resonance imaging and advanced imaging assessment of the growth plate in the adolescent and young adult (Ola Kvist) – LINK ABSTRACT
  • New Perspectives on Imaging of Urinary Tract Infections in Infants (Yvonne Simrén) – LINK ABSTRACT
  • Imaging of the temporomandibular joint in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis; references and novel scoring systems for active and permanent disease (Oskar Welander Angenete) – LINK ABSTRACT
The European Excellence Network on Paediatric Radiology (EENPR)

Lead Dr. Erich Sorantin

– To initiate, facilitate and enhance multi-institutional, multinational research in paediatric imaging, image-guided intervention and radiation protection, in particular prospective multi-institutional clinical trials with their origins in paediatric radiology;
– To offer smaller paediatric radiology institutions opportunities to participate in multi-centre research projects;
– To generate greater numbers of patients in rare diseases/entities for greater statistical reliability;
– To share institutional research projects amongst partners of the network, thereby creating synergies, expanding project participation and promoting research excellence in paediatric radiology at European level.

1. Whole-body MRI and DWIBS for staging and restaging malignant lymphomas in children. Currently includes 10 participating centers, 5 in The Netherlands and 5 abroad. Inclusion officially opened from January 2009 and closed September 2013. Dr. R.A.J. Nievelstein, pediatric radiologist, principal investigator Department of Pediatric Radiology, UMC Utrecht.
2. Whole-body MRI for initial staging, early response assessment and restaging after completion of therapy in paediatric Hodgkin lymphoma. An add-on study to the EuroNet-PHL-C1 trial, in collaboration with the Dutch Childhood Oncology Group (Stichting Kinderoncologie Nederland – SKION).  Dr. R.A.J. Nievelstein, Pediatric radiologist, principal investigator, Department of Pediatric Radiology, UMC Utrecht.
3. CT Dose in Children. A multicenter application for an evidence based method of optimizing paediatric CT has been developed -the system is ready for use.
4. The “Imaging Chain” Measurements on what we refer to as the “Imaging Chain” have been obtained –> optimizing every step of the Pediatric CT – Scanning (from scoutview to image reconstruction). Several Workshops “CT Protpcolls Made Easy” were and are organized during scientific Meetings (ESPR 2015, National Congress of Radiology Austria 2014, 2015, 2016, Joint Congress German and Austrian X-Ray Society 2017
5. Multicenter Study for Optimization of IV Contrast Medium Injection in Pediatric CT. PI E. Sorantin. In liaison with EEPRN leaders’ activities in the CEEPUS Project (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies: 34 academic institutions: 25 medical and 9 engineering). Study is closed.